Bluegreen Vacations Resorts Lawsuit: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Your Rights


The Bluegreen Vacations Resorts Lawsuit has garnered significant attention in recent times. As a vacationer or someone interested in the timeshare industry, it’s essential to stay informed about the legal proceedings, potential consequences, and your rights as a consumer. In this in-depth article, we will explore every aspect of the Bluegreen Vacations Resorts Lawsuit, covering everything from the lawsuit’s origins to the impacts on customers and the company. Let’s dive in!

Bluegreen Vacations Resorts Lawsuit: Understanding the Basics

What is the Bluegreen Vacations Resorts Lawsuit?

The Bluegreen Vacations Resorts Lawsuit is a legal case involving a timeshare company, Bluegreen Vacations Corporation. The lawsuit alleges certain misconduct and deceptive practices related to their timeshare sales and marketing strategies.

Origins of the Lawsuit

The origins of the lawsuit can be traced back to customer complaints and concerns over high-pressure sales tactics, misrepresentations, and lack of transparency in Bluegreen Vacations Resorts’ dealings.

Key Allegations Against Bluegreen Vacations Resorts

The lawsuit accuses Bluegreen Vacations Resorts of various wrongdoings, such as false advertising, failure to disclose vital information, and engaging in aggressive sales tactics to coerce customers into purchasing timeshares.

Legal Proceedings and Current Status

The legal proceedings are ongoing, and the case has been making its way through the court system. The outcome could have significant implications for both Bluegreen Vacations Resorts and its customers.

Understanding Timeshare Industry Practices

What are Timeshares?

A timeshare is a property ownership model where multiple individuals share the right to use a vacation property for a designated period annually. It’s marketed as an affordable way to enjoy vacation homes without the cost and hassle of full ownership.

Pros and Cons of Timeshares

Timeshares offer benefits such as predictable vacation destinations and potential exchange opportunities, but they also come with drawbacks like maintenance fees and limited flexibility in travel plans.

Common Issues Faced by Timeshare Owners

Timeshare owners may encounter challenges like difficulty booking desired dates, escalating maintenance fees, and difficulty selling their timeshare when they wish to exit the agreement.

Bluegreen Vacations Resorts Lawsuit Impacts

Impact on Bluegreen Vacations Resorts

The lawsuit has undoubtedly affected Bluegreen Vacations Resorts’ reputation, financial standing, and business operations. They may face significant penalties if found guilty of the alleged misconduct.

Impact on Customers

Customers who have purchased timeshares from Bluegreen Vacations Resorts may be concerned about their investment and future vacation plans. The lawsuit could lead to changes in timeshare agreements and potential compensation for affected consumers.

Protecting Your Rights as a Timeshare Owner

Understanding Consumer Protection Laws

Familiarize yourself with consumer protection laws that govern timeshare transactions in your state or country. These laws aim to safeguard buyers from deceptive practices and provide avenues for legal recourse.

Reviewing Your Timeshare Agreement

If you are a Bluegreen Vacations Resorts timeshare owner, carefully review your contract to understand your rights and obligations. Pay close attention to the cancellation policy, maintenance fees, and any additional charges.

Seeking Legal Advice

If you believe you have been a victim of deceptive practices or misrepresentations, consider consulting an attorney who specializes in timeshare law. They can assess your situation and advise you on the best course of action.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can I cancel my Bluegreen Vacations Resorts timeshare if I’m not satisfied with my purchase?

Yes, you may have a window of time, typically referred to as the “cooling-off period,” during which you can cancel your timeshare contract without penalties.

How do I determine the value of my Bluegreen Vacations Resorts timeshare?

The value of a timeshare can be challenging to assess. Factors like demand, location, and seasonality play a role. Consider consulting a professional appraiser for an accurate valuation.

Will the lawsuit affect my ability to use my timeshare?

The lawsuit’s impact on your ability to use your timeshare depends on the legal outcome. It’s essential to stay informed and be prepared for any potential changes.

Can I join a class-action lawsuit against Bluegreen Vacations Resorts?

If there is a class-action lawsuit against the company, you may be eligible to participate if you meet certain criteria. Consult with a lawyer to understand your options.

What steps can I take to avoid timeshare scams in the future?

Research any timeshare company thoroughly before making a purchase. Read reviews, check with consumer protection agencies, and take your time before committing.

Is it possible to sell my Bluegreen Vacations Resorts timeshare?

Yes, you can attempt to sell your timeshare. However, keep in mind that the resale market can be challenging, and you may not recoup your initial investment.


As the Bluegreen Vacations Resorts Lawsuit unfolds, it’s crucial for both current and potential timeshare owners to stay informed and protect their rights. Understanding the lawsuit’s implications and the broader timeshare industry practices empowers consumers to make informed decisions. Remember to seek legal advice when necessary and always be cautious when entering into timeshare agreements. By arming ourselves with knowledge, we can navigate the world of timeshares more confidently.

One thought on “Bluegreen Vacations Resorts Lawsuit: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Your Rights

  1. How can I become involved in this lawsuit? My husband and I obtained Blue Green timeshare by being a “guest” at a BG resort via a relative. We attended the high pressure sales pitch which sounded great to us at the time and we bought a very entry level membership with 9000 points every two years. What we didn’t know because we were not informed up front (although likely in small print) was if we didn’t use our points for the first year we had to pay a fee to carry them over to the next year in order to still use them. While on a vacation in Myrtle Beach on our first use of the timeshare we attended the Member Meeting that they make sound like it is mandatory and were convinced we needed more points to “round out” our current membership package. We made it clear we were not going to fork out any money during our vacation for this. They came up with a plan that sounded good at the time. We signed on for additional points. I got back to our timeshare and read through everything with a fine toothed comb and realized they signed us up for a Credit Card that they put our “down payment” on that was a Balloon payment due after 3 months of like several thousand dollars. My husband and I looked up the “cooling off” clause and we literally had 3 days to get a letter to rescind our agreement to BG headquarters in Florida. We spent 2 days of our “vacation” paying for copies and a courier to get our information to FL. We ended up getting out of that transaction and never attended another Member Update in the few following years. Our maintenance keep going up and our “buying power” for staying at resorts has declined. We had to pay extra for the same vacations and time that we did in the past for the same number of days. We are currently trying to exit our timeshare with the help of LinxLegal (who are NOT lawyers) but are advocating on our behalf with Florida’s atty general office. This has been going on since November of 2023. BG contacted me regarding exiting my timeshare and quoted me a price of 18 months worth of maintenance fees AFTER I exit. Our timeshare has been paid off for several years and up to date on maintenance fees throughout our ownership. I refuse to pay 18 months of maintenance fees after I exit. They hold you “hostige” for money at every turn. Any advocacy would be appreciated.

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