Architectural Review Committee Lawsuits: Everything You Need to Know


Architectural Review Committees (ARCs) are responsible for reviewing and approving proposed changes to the exterior of homes in communities with Homeowners Associations (HOAs). ARCs are typically made up of volunteers who are elected by HOA members.

While ARCs play an important role in maintaining the aesthetic integrity of communities, they can also be the source of conflict between homeowners and HOAs. In some cases, homeowners may feel that their ARC is being unreasonable in denying their requests for changes to their homes. When this happens, homeowners may decide to file a lawsuit against their HOA.

Common Grounds for Lawsuits Against ARCs

There are a number of common grounds for lawsuits against ARCs. Some of the most common include:

  • Unreasonable denial of requests: Homeowners may file a lawsuit against their ARC if they believe that their request for a change to their home was unreasonably denied. For example, an ARC may deny a request to paint a house a certain color because it does not conform to the community’s architectural guidelines. However, if the community’s architectural guidelines are vague or outdated, a court may find that the ARC’s denial was unreasonable.
  • Discrimination: Homeowners may also file a lawsuit against their ARC if they believe that they were discriminated against. For example, an ARC may deny a request to install a solar panel system because the ARC members believe that solar panels are unsightly. However, federal law prohibits HOAs from discriminating against homeowners who want to install solar panels.
  • Lack of due process: Homeowners may also file a lawsuit against their ARC if they believe that they were not given adequate notice of a meeting or hearing, or if they were not allowed to present evidence at a hearing.

What to Do if You Are Considering a Lawsuit Against Your ARC

If you are considering filing a lawsuit against your ARC, there are a few things you should do first:

  • Review your HOA’s governing documents: Your HOA’s governing documents, such as the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions (CC&Rs), will outline the ARC’s authority and the procedures that the ARC must follow when reviewing and approving requests for changes to homes.
  • Gather evidence: If you believe that your ARC has acted unreasonably or illegally, you should gather evidence to support your claims. This evidence may include documentation of your communications with the ARC, as well as photos or videos of your home and the surrounding community.
  • Consult with an attorney: Before filing a lawsuit, it is important to consult with an attorney who specializes in HOA law. An attorney can help you assess your case and determine whether you have a viable legal claim.


Lawsuits against ARCs can be complex and costly. However, if you believe that your ARC has acted unreasonably or illegally, you may have no choice but to file a lawsuit to protect your rights.


What is the average cost of an architectural review committee lawsuit?

The average cost of an architectural review committee lawsuit can vary depending on the complexity of the case and the location of the lawsuit. However, it is important to note that lawsuits can be expensive, and homeowners should be prepared to spend a significant amount of money on legal fees.

How long does an architectural review committee lawsuit typically last?

The length of an architectural review committee lawsuit can also vary depending on the complexity of the case. However, lawsuits can typically take several months or even years to resolve.

What are the chances of success in an architectural review committee lawsuit?

The chances of success in an architectural review committee lawsuit will depend on the specific facts of the case. However, it is important to note that lawsuits against ARCs can be difficult to win. This is because ARCs have a great deal of discretion in reviewing and approving requests for changes to homes.

What should I do if I am considering filing a lawsuit against my ARC?

If you are considering filing a lawsuit against your ARC, you should first consult with an attorney who specializes in HOA law. An attorney can help you assess your case and determine whether you have a viable legal claim.

Can I file a lawsuit against my ARC without an attorney?

Yes, you can file a lawsuit against your ARC without an attorney. However, it is important to note that lawsuits can be complex and difficult to navigate without legal assistance. An attorney can help you ensure that your legal rights are protected and that your case is presented in the best possible light.

What are the benefits of filing a lawsuit against my ARC?

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