Triage Staffing Lawsuit: A Web of Negligence and Consequences


Imagine entrusting your health to a medical staffing agency, only to discover they placed a healthcare worker with a history of negligence in a critical role. This is the nightmare scenario that unfolded for patients at Exeter Hospital in New Hampshire, leading to a complex and far-reaching lawsuit against Triage Staffing Inc.

The lawsuit alleges that Triage Staffing was negligent in hiring David Kwiatkowski, a traveling medical technician suspected of causing a hepatitis C outbreak at the hospital. The complaint claims that Triage knew or should have known about Kwiatkowski’s history of stealing and reusing syringes, yet failed to properly vet him before placing him at Exeter [1].

This isn’t just a story about a single hospital. Kwiatkowski worked at medical facilities across eight states, potentially putting countless patients at risk [2]. The lawsuit, filed in federal court in Nebraska, seeks to hold Triage Staffing accountable for the harm caused by their alleged negligence.

The legal battle centers around several key issues:

  • Negligence in hiring: Did Triage Staffing fail to conduct adequate background checks or follow proper hiring procedures?
  • Misrepresentation: Did Triage misrepresent Kwiatkowski’s qualifications or employment history?
  • Liability for patient harm: Can Triage Staffing be held responsible for the injuries suffered by patients who contracted hepatitis C?

The case raises important questions about the responsibility of staffing agencies and the need for stricter oversight in the healthcare industry. It also highlights the devastating impact of medical errors, not just on patients but also on their families and communities.

While the lawsuit is ongoing, it serves as a powerful reminder of the importance of patient safety and the need for transparency and accountability within the healthcare system.


[1] Triage Staffing Sued Over Hep C Outbreak:,c9288094 [2] Medical Staffing Company in Nebraska Sued in Hepatitis C Case:,c9288094

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