Ariix Lawsuit: What You Need to Know


Ariix is a multi-level marketing (MLM) company that sells nutritional supplements, personal care products, and other goods and services. In 2017, Ariix filed a lawsuit against NutriSearch, a publisher of nutritional supplement reviews, alleging that NutriSearch had rigged its ratings system to favor Usana Health Sciences, a competitor of Ariix.

Ariix alleged that NutriSearch had secretly accepted payments from Usana in exchange for giving Usana’s products higher ratings. Ariix also alleged that NutriSearch had misrepresented its methodology for awarding ratings, claiming that it was an objective, precise, and scientific process when in fact it was rigged.

NutriSearch denied all of Ariix’s allegations. The case is still ongoing, but in 2021, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that Ariix had plausibly alleged a claim under the Lanham Act, which prohibits false advertising.

The Ariix lawsuit has raised important questions about the reliability of product reviews, especially in the MLM industry. MLMs are often criticized for their deceptive marketing practices, and the Ariix lawsuit suggests that even independent product reviews may not be trustworthy.


What is the Ariix lawsuit about?

The Ariix lawsuit alleges that NutriSearch, a publisher of nutritional supplement reviews, rigged its ratings system to favor Usana Health Sciences, a competitor of Ariix.

What are the allegations against NutriSearch?

Ariix alleges that NutriSearch secretly accepted payments from Usana in exchange for giving Usana’s products higher ratings. Ariix also alleges that NutriSearch misrepresented its methodology for awarding ratings, claiming that it was an objective, precise, and scientific process when in fact it was rigged.

What is the status of the lawsuit?

The lawsuit is still ongoing.

What are the implications of the lawsuit for consumers?

The lawsuit raises important questions about the reliability of product reviews, especially in the MLM industry.

What can consumers do to protect themselves?

Consumers should be wary of product reviews, especially those that appear on websites or in publications that have a financial relationship with the companies whose products they are reviewing. Consumers should also do their own research before purchasing any product, including reading reviews from multiple sources.

What is the future of product reviews?

The Ariix lawsuit is likely to have a significant impact on the way that product reviews are conducted and published. It is possible that we will see a move towards more independent and transparent product reviews.


  • Ariix, LLC v. NutriSearch Corp., Case No.: 17CV320-LAB (BGS):
  • Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Decision in Ariix v. NutriSearch:

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